The average job search takes 1 month for every $10,000 of salary you aspire to earn. Want a $100K job? Plan to spend 10 months searching, applying, interviewing...
But it doesn't have to be that way. With proactive coaching and mentoring, additional training, understanding the new online branding and networking practices, and a steady concentration on forward movement, my goal is to see you land an outstanding job in 90 days.
Yes, that's ambitious.
Yes, lots of things are outside your control.
Yes, there are lots of competitors for the same job.
You've got to learn to cut through the clutter to stand out from the other hundreds of applications for your job (the average posted position receives more than 250 applications!)
And that takes job search strategy, personal online branding, quality engagement with prospects, a targeted search to find hidden jobs, and help creating ways to stand out from the crowd after you send in your resume.
I look forward to helping you achieve that.
I commit to supporting you with weekly live coaching until you land your job.
Complete the application, so we can book a productive call to determine what kind of help you need, where are your best areas of opportunity, and develop your action plan to make it happen fast.